Category: Appspace Intranet

Manage users

All the users of the platform can be managed on Settings > Manage users. You get the complete list of users: Each row provides information

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Populating a site

This section applies to Appspace Intranet 4.10 and higher. Access the “Settings” menu from the gearwheel on the right-hand side of the site banner. Configuration

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The implementation of the new communities features in Appspace Intranet version 4.10 will provide users with a more efficient and user-friendly experience. The addition of

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Spotlight search

The Spotlight Search offers an easy type-ahead search interface embedded in the Megamenu. By only typing three characters, users are prompted with results in four

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Beezy connector for Power Automate

Pre-requisites The Beezy Connector for Power Automate has the following software prerequisites: Beezy installation for Microsoft 365 version 3.8.0 or higher. Power Automate license (you

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Manage search

Show more results in Spotlight search will redirect to the page results configured in the Site settings. Administrators can configure it on Site settings >

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