Create and Edit Posts, Stories, and Pages in a Community

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This article provides users with the instructions to create, edit, and comment on posts, stories, or pages in communities in the Employee App. It also guides users on how to report inappropriate posts, invite new members, and message other members within the community.

Communities are dynamic, user-driven collaboration spaces that provide a platform for users to easily create and participate in groups centered around various subjects, interests, and projects. Communities facilitate deeper engagement and interaction among team members, encourage cross-departmental collaboration, and bring together individuals with shared interests. This fosters a vibrant exchange of ideas and enriches the sense of togetherness and belonging.


  • Premium user license to access the Appspace Employee App.
  • Supported file types for publishing a file in a post, story, or page within a community:
    • Images: JPEG, PNG, GIF
    • Videos: MP4, MOV
    • Documents: PDFs, XLSX, DOCX

Publish Posts, Stories, Pages, or Files in a Community

Members of a community with a premium user license may publish posts (including events, questions, polls, and praises), stories, pages, or files to the community. Perform the following steps to publish the following content to a community:

  1. Log in to the Appspace Employee App.
  2. Go to the More > Explore section, and select the Communities tab. Select a community.
    • To add and publish a quick post (including an event, page, or praise) or a featured post within a community, perform the following steps:
      1. On the community page, select Overview from the left bar.
      2. Click the What do you want to share? field.
      3. In the window, select the post, question, poll, event, or praise tab on the right bar to create that type of post.
      4. Click the ellipsis () to set the following:
        • Tags – You may include any relevant tags in the post.
        • Schedule – This is set to Now by default. You can perform one of the following options:
          • Leave this setting to Now (default) for the post to go live immediately to its audience once you publish it.
          • Click and select a date range to schedule the publishing of this post. To remove the scheduled date range, click X.
        • Author – This is set to you by default. You can select an author other than yourself.
        • Featured – Set the post as a Featured post in the community and the Employee App.
        • Social features: You may turn on or off this post’s social settings, or set them to inherit the behavior from the community or channel the post is in:
          • Reactions: Inherit (On) by default, On, Off
          • Comments: Inherit (On) by default, On, Off
          • Share: Inherit (On) by default, On, Off
      5. Follow Step 7 onward in this Create post article.
    • To add and publish a story within a community, perform the following steps:
      1. On the community page, select Stories from the left bar.
      2. On the Stories page, click +New story. Follow Step 3 onward in this Create story article.
    • To add and publish a page within a community, perform the following steps:
      1. On the community page, select Pages from the left bar.
      2. In Pages, click +New page. Follow Step 3 onward in this Create page article.
    • To add and publish an event post within a community, perform the following steps:
      1. On the community page, select Events from the left bar.
      2. On the Events page, click +New event. Follow Step 4 onward in this Create Event post article, starting from the Now field.
    • To add and publish a file in a quick post or event post within a community, perform the following steps:
      1. On the community page, select Files from the left bar.
      2. On the Files page, click Upload Files. Select the file from the browser.
      3. To publish the file as a quick post, follow the steps to create a quick post above.
      4. To publish the file as an event post, , follow the steps to create an event post above.

Edit Posts, Stories, or Pages in a Community

Perform the following steps to edit or delete the following content within a community:

  • A member of a community may edit or delete their own posts, stories, pages, or files within a community.
  • Account Owners may edit, delete, or change the author (s) of other members’ posts, pages, or stories.
  • Location Admins, Publishers, and Community owners may delete but not edit other members’ posts, pages, or stories. However, they may edit, delete, or change the designated author (s) of moderators’ or owners’ posts.
  • Users who are set as moderators of a community may delete but not edit other members’ posts, pages, or stories. However, they may edit, delete, or change the designated author (s) of other moderators’ posts.
  1. Log in to the Appspace Employee App.
  2. Go to the More > Explore section, and select the Communities tab. Select a community.
    • To edit a quick post within a community, perform the following steps:
      1. On the community page, select Overview from the left bar.
      2. Go to the post that you wish to edit. Follow Step 4 onward in this Edit post article.
    • To edit a featured post within a community, perform the following steps:
      1. On the community page, select Featured from the left bar.
      2. Go to the post that you wish to edit. Follow Step 4 onward in this Edit post article.
    • To edit a story within a community, perform the following step:
      1. On the community page, select Stories from the left bar.
      2. Go to the story that you wish to edit. Follow Step 4 onward in this Edit story article.
    • To edit a page within a community, perform the following steps:
      1. On the community page, select Pages from the left bar.
      2. Go to the story that you wish to edit. Follow Step 2 onward in this Edit page article.
    • To edit an event post within a community, perform the following steps:
      1. On the community page, select Events from the left bar.
      2. Go to the post that you wish to edit. Follow Step 4 onward in this Edit post article.

Report a Post, Story, or Page within a Community

Members of a community have the option to report an article that they believe to be inappropriate, offensive, or misleading. Perform the following steps to report an article and provide the reasons.

  1. Log in to the Appspace Employee App.
  2. Go to the More > Explore section, and select the Communities tab. Select the community from the icon grid.
  3. On the Overview page, mouse over the post, story, or page, click the ellipsis, and select Report. Alternatively, you may select Featured, Stories, Pages, or Events to view only those article types.
  4. In the Report window, select the reason as Inappropriate, Offensive, Providing false information, or Other, and enter any Additional remarks.
  5. The article will appear in the reported article list to be reviewed by the community moderator.
    The author or authors of the reported article will receive a notification only if their article is removed.

View and Message People within a Community

Members of a community may view and message other members, owners, and moderators of the community:

    1. Log in to the Appspace Employee App.
    2. Go to the More > Explore section, and select the Communities tab. Select a community.
    3. On the community page, select People from the left bar. The members, owners, and moderators of the community are displayed.
    4. You may perform one of the following actions:
      • Click on the sort option to sort people by the Latest added, or Name (ascending or descending).
      • Click the Members tab or Owners & Moderators tab to view only members of the community, or only the community owners and moderators.
      • View the Top contributers of posts, stories, or pages within the community.
      • To message a member, move the mouse over the person’s profile and click the ellipsis to view the person’s contact options. You can select the option to send an email to the person, or to make a phone call if the person’s profile has phone contact information. Each option will use the default email application or phone conferencing application of the device being used.

Invite People to a Community

Members of a community may invite other users to join and become members of the community:

    1. Log in to the Appspace Employee App.
    2. Go to the More > Explore section, and select the Communities tab.
    3. Select a community to view the Community page. On the community page, click Invite.
    4. In the window, enter the name or email of users that you wish to invite to the community.
    5. Click Invite. The Invitation will be sent to the user and will appear in their notifications in the Employee App.

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