Add Modern SharePoint site with Microsoft 365

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This article provides Administrators with instructions to configure a new Modern SharePoint site for an existing Appspace Intranet installation.


  • Ensure Appspace Intranet version 4.2 or later is installed on your Microsoft 365 tenant.
  • Ensure PnP PowerShell version 1.3 or later is installed. Please visit the PowerShell official site for information regarding installation, upgrading from legacy versions.

Microsoft 365 Specific Requirements

  • Ensure the following Roles and Permissions have been configured:

Create and Configure a SharePoint Online Site Collection

This section is to be performed by the SharePoint Administrator.

  1. Download and extract the contents of the Appspace Intranet Modern installation package to your local folder.
  2. Launch the PowerShell console as an Administrator, and navigate to the “Deployment Files” folder path.
  3. Proceed to execute the following from the PowerShell console with the parameters detailed below:


    • SharePointOnlineAdminUrl: SharePoint Online administration URL. It should look like:
    • ModernSiteCollectionUrl: URL of the SharePoint communication site that will be created. It should look like:
    • ModernSiteCollectionTitle: Title for the communication site that will be created.
    • BeezyClassicSiteCollectionUrl: URL of the current installation of Appspace Intranet. It should be the main site collection where Appspace Intranet is installed.
    •  BeezyAddinUrl: Azure app service URL where the Appspace Intranet addin is hosted. It should look like:


      CreateBeezyModernSite.ps1 -SharePointOnlineAdminUrl -ModernSiteCollectionUrl -ModernSiteCollectionTitle "Beezy" -BeezyClassicSiteCollectionUrl -BeezyAddinUrl

Once the script executes, a browser window opens, prompting you to enter your email address and password for login. The script will perform the following actions:

  • Create and Configure SharePoint Site: The script will create and configure a SharePoint communication site.
  • App Catalog Creation: An App Catalog will be created within the SharePoint communication site.
  • Appspace Intranet App Installation: The Appspace Intranet app will be added and installed.
  • Home Page Creation: A home page will be created with the required Appspace Intranet modern web parts.
If the PnP Azure AD Application was not created, it will open a permissions request consent flow to create the App (more information: You do not need to consent on behalf of your organization; simply click the Accept button.

Once the script completes successfully, browse the modern site URL and review the site to ensure the Appspace Intranet start page content is visible.

Configure User Access

Users who require access to the site need to be granted Viewer permissions, by navigating to Site settings > Site permissions.

Generally, these users or Azure AD groups will be the same as those who have access to Beezy classic, found in the SharePoint site collection, Networks Associates security group.

Redirect Home Links

Proceed to redirect all Appspace Intranet home links to the modern start page, by navigating to Beezy classic > Beezy settings > Modern SharePoint, and set the Modern start page URL (ModernSiteCollectionUrl):

Configure the favicon on Modern sites

  1. Launch the PowerShell console as an Administrator.
  2. Establish a connection by executing the following:
    Connect-PnPOnline -UseWebLogin -Url https://<your-tenant><target-site>
  3. Enable the extension by executing the following:
    Add-PnPCustomAction -ClientSideComponentId "cd08c4a0-649b-43cd-a561-b93f46a6f1b6" -Name "DynamicFavicon" -Title " DynamicFavicon" -Location ClientSideExtension.ApplicationCustomizer -ClientSideComponentProperties: '{"faviconUrl":"https://<your-tenant>"}' -Scope site
  4. In the Modern installation scripts, it is configured to reference the favicon from the Classic version (using the same scripts as above).