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Once the admin clicks one of the Hero blocks in the Hero settings, the block’s configuration sidebar will open.

In the sidebar, we have some actions available:

  • Closing the sidebar: the cross icon at the top left corner of the block sidebar closes the sidebar without saving the possible changes done in the block’s configuration.
  • Switching to another block’s configuration sidebar: when we are in a block with the configuration sidebar open, and we click on another block, the configuration form inside the sidebar will change to the one from the newly selected block.
    If we click several times on the same block, nothing happens, and the menu does not change.
  • Resetting the block’s configuration: this action allows the admin to restore the default values of the block’s configuration. In this way, it will be easier for the admin to configure the block from scratch.
  • Saving the block’s configuration: this action saves the current block’s configuration. It will affect all the layouts. After the saving action is performed, the sidebar will close.
  • Updating the block’s configuration: this action saves the current block’s configuration (like the previous action) and also publishes it in the Hero, making the changes visible. After the update action is performed, the sidebar will close.
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