Upgrade to Appspace 7.x On-Prem

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This article provides the instructions to perform a full upgrade to Appspace on-prem 7.x, for existing Appspace customers running an older version of Appspace on-prem.

Please follow the instructions in this order:

If you are a new Appspace customer looking to install our software for the first time, please refer to the Install Appspace On-Prem article.

Upgrade Paths

All older versions of Appspace on-prem require an interim upgrade before you can upgrade to the latest version. You must upgrade any older version of Appspace on-prem to Appspace 6.2.4 prior to proceeding with this article.

See the following table for the upgrade path of your Appspace on-prem version.

Starting Version Upgrade Paths
Appspace 8.0 8.0
Appspace 7.2 7.2 > 8.0
Appspace 7.1 7.1.4 > 7.2 > 8.0
Appspace 7.0.1 7.0.1 > 7.2 > 8.0
Appspace 6.2.4 6.2.4 > 7.2 > 8.0
Appspace 6.1.0 6.1.0 > 6.2.4 > 7.2 > 8.0
Appspace 6.0.3 6.0.3 > 6.2.4 > 7.2 > 8.0
Appspace 5.8.0 5.8.0 > 6.0.3 > 6.2.4 > 7.2 > 8.0
Appspace 5.5.5 5.5.5 > 6.0.3 > 6.2.4 > 7.2 > 8.0
Appspace 5.2.3 5.2.3 > 6.0.3 > 6.2.4 > 7.2 > 8.0
Appspace 5.1.2 5.1.2 > 5.2.3 > 6.0.3 > 6.2.4 > 7.2 > 8.0
Appspace 5.0.5 5.0.3 > 5.1.2 > 5.2.3 > 6.0.3 > 6.2.4 > 7.2 > 8.0
Appspace 4.2.2 4.2.2 > 5.0.3 > 5.1.2 > 5.2.3 > 6.0.3 > 6.2.4 > 7.2 > 8.0
Appspace 4.1.0 4.1.0 > 4.2.2 > 5.0.3 > 5.1.2 > 5.2.3 > 6.0.3 > 6.2.4 > 7.2 > 8.0

Uninstall Appspace Installation Center

  1. You must first remove the previous build of Apppace Installation Center.
  2. In the list of installed programs, select Appspace Installation Center and click Uninstall.
  3. Proceed to the instructions in the next section below.


When not turned off, anti-virus software blocks installer processes from running, which prevents the installation of some Appspace files. Overall installation time is also slower.

Download Prerequisite Software

Only download these software and DO NOT install yet.

  1. Download Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=53345
  2. Download only one of the following database: 
  3. Please contact Appspace Support to get the latest Appspace Installer.
  4. Proceed to install the applications as per the instructions in the next section below.

Install Prerequisite Software


  • Links to the installation instructions on the provider’s website are provided.
  • Please ensure you take note of and complete the specific configuration required for each application, described in each step below.
  • Please right-click each installer file and select ‘Run as Administrator’ to install.

Please install the prerequisite software downloaded earlier, in the following order:

  1. Install .NET Framework 4.6.2. Follow the instructions here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/install/guide-for-developers?redirectedfrom=MSDN
  2. Upgrade your Appspace database:
  3. Proceed to the next section below.

Install Appspace 7.x

When upgrading your Appspace on-premise instance, we recommend having 24GB of RAM or more on your virtualized environment for a smoother and quicker upgrade installation process.

The installation of Appspace 7.x on-prem involves the installation of two Appspace installers. The Appspace Installation Center Setup file is included as part of the Appspace 7.x Installer.

  1. Right-click the Appspace 7.x Installer setup file on your on-prem server, and select Run as administrator to launch the installer. Click Begin Installation.
  2. Read the Appspace’s Software License Agreement. If you agree to the terms, check the checkbox, and click Agree.
  3. Click Next once you have ensured the installation paths for the Application, Content, and Data paths are correct.
    Enter in the FQDN Host Name of the server, as it will be used to identify and access the Appspace console once the installation is complete.
    Example: https://<server.hostname.com>

    Company Server: server
    Company Hostname: hostname.com

    Ensure the FQDN hostname is used when asked for a hostname. We do not recommend changing this Host Name once the installation is complete. If a need arises, please contact Appspace Support first.
  4. Review the list of applications and services that will be installed, and click Install.
    The Appspace 7.x Installer will begin installing the required applications, services, and the Appspace Installation Center Setup file. The installation duration varies, and may require the server to be restarted multiple times during the installation process.
  5. Once the Appspace Installation Center Setup is launched during the installation process, click Install.
  6. Ensure the Installation, and Content folder paths are correct, and click Next.
  7. Select the server Database type from the drop-down menu, and enter in the database Host and root credentials.
    You may leave localhost as the Host. If the database engine is installed on a separate server, replace the Host value with the IP address of the remote database server.
  8. Click Validate to continue the installation process.
  9. Restart the server once the Appspace Installation Center Setup has completed as indicated.
  10. Once restarted, the Appspace 7.x Installer would continue the installation process.
  11. Click Next once the installation process is complete, and Next again at The installation was successful screen.
  12. The Data Migration process would then begin. Click Next once the migration process is complete, and Next again at The data migration was successful screen.
  13. Click Close at the You have completed the installation! screen, and OK at the confirmation dialog box.
  14. Launch your web browser and connect to your Appspace console via the following URL:
    (replace <hostname> with the Host Name entered in Step 3 above)
  15. When you access the Appspace console for the first time, you will be redirected to the License Activation page. Please refer to Activate Appspace On-Prem Server for more information.

If there was an issue during the data migration or card installation phase, or if you wish to uninstall Appspace 7.x on-prem, relaunch the Appspace 7.x Installer setup file, and select one of the following options:
  • Data Migration – Select this option if Data Migration previously was not completed during the installation phase.
  • Card Installer – Select this option to install Cards (Update existing templates, and themes).
  • Uninstall – Select this option to uninstall Appspace 7.x.

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