This article provides Administrators with an outline to configure and manage Quick Links on the Appspace SharePoint Intranet platform.
- The Global Administrator user role.
Manage Recommended Quick Links by Adminstrators
This feature overrides the “Enable discovery cards in start page” setting and displays the start page with either 3 or 2 columns, regardless of the setting’s configuration.
Enable and configure Administrator recommended links in the Quick Links discovery card by following these steps:
- Click the User Profile icon, and navigate to the Editorial Settings > Discovery Cards.
- Click the Quick links ellipsis and click Edit.
- Click the Recommended tab to perform the following options:
- Enable Tab – Enable or disable the Recommended links visibility. If enabled, a list of recommended links is displayed to the user.
- Tab Title – Title of the tab can be renamed if required.
- Link 1 / + Add link – Configure the links to be displayed by entering the name and URL link. (including i.e. mailto:)
- Maximum 10 links can be displayed.
- The following characters are not allowed: brackets: ! S & ( ) … : = @ [ ] { | }
- Https is not required for URL links, however limited to 2000 characters.
- Once done, click Save.
Manage Saved Quick Links by Users
Enable saved links by users in the Quick Links discovery card by following these steps:
- Click the User Profile icon, and navigate to the Editorial Settings > Discovery Cards.
- Click the Quick links ellipsis and click Edit.
- Click the User Shortcuts tab to perform the following options:
- Enable Tab – Enable or disable the User Shortcuts links visibility. If enabled, allows users to save and access their own links.
- Tab Title – Title of the tab can be renamed if required.
- Once done, click Save.