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The initial condition to create a Local entity is that the Global Admin has to access to Editorial Settings and enable Local Entities in settings.
Be very careful! This action is irreversible. After creating a Local Entity you cannot hide or delete it!
Then appears a New Entity button at the top right of the screen, and if we press it the creation modal will appear.

Now the admin has to:
Give the entity a title.
Select a Default Language. Once the entity is created the admin will not be able to change the language. The language selected only applies to the end-user interface, not to the Admins when they are in Editorial Settings, Page Settings, or Stories Settings. 
Select 1 to N Administrators, the group of selectable Administrators will be all users except:

  • A Local Admin from that or another Local Entity.
  • Members in another Local Entity.
  • An Admin or a Community Manager.

Therefore an Admin can be outside the groups of Active Directory where the users are.

No possibility to be Global and Local Admin at the same time.
No possibility to be Local Admin of two Local Entities at the same time.

A Local Entity Admin DO NOT require high privileges like Site Collection Administrator.

Select 1 to N Groups from Active Directory groups to populate the entity with users.

Optionally, we can fill the branding package source field if we want to customize the branding for this local entity. For more info, please go to the page where you can find more details.

We must select/unselect the modules we want as available to our new local entity.
By default, all available modules will be enabled.
It is not mandatory to enable the modules. The admin can create a Local Entity without modules enabled. Check the other sections of this guide to know the exact consequences of enabling a certain module.

After all these actions, having filled in all the fields, an email will be received by all Local admins assigned to the new Local Entity.

If we want to see the number of users by entity updated, we must execute the users’ synchronization job called “domainsyncgroups”.

We recommend running the synchronization job after being configured all the first settings in the modules. Otherwise, your users will see some changes while you are doing them.

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