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Once the campaign is up and running, the Idea Management begins. This is a process within Idea Campaigns managed by Campaign Owners and is divided into four steps: Submission, Evaluation, Refinement, and Impact.

Submission: the step where users submit, champion, and comment on ideas before the target date. 

Submite ideas.png

Evaluation: the step where campaign owners review all of the submitted ideas and “Graduate” (or promote) those that fit the criteria of the campaign (the ones that make sense to refine and develop). 


Refinement: the step where users of graduated ideas provide more depth around their ideas. And, through feedback and direct collaboration with other users, expand and refine them (during this process other users can keep championing and commenting on the graduated ideas).


Impact: this is the closing step.  Campaign owners communicate the overall results and impact. So, the final outputs become part of the organization’s searchable knowledge repository.


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