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After clicking on Edit in local entities list for an Entity the Edit modal appears.
We cannot leave empty the required fields.
If we disable a module the users of the local entity will see that feature as if they were a user of the Default entity, and the local admins will not have the module in the editorial settings’ menu.
When we disable a module from a local entity all the content is hidden for all the users and should not appear on searches. For more details look at each module’s manual page.
If we enable a module the local user will see the content and the functionality like it was before, and the local admin will have it again in the editorial settings’ menu.
When we enable a module from a local entity all the content is visible for all the users and should appear on searches. For more details look at each module’s manual page.
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If we add an admin, the added admin will see the changes only after running the synchronization job called “domainsyncgroups” again.

If we delete an admin from the entity no email will be sent to this admin. In order that this change becomes effective, you have to run again the synchronization job called “domainsyncgroups” again.

If we change a Local admin to a Appspace SharePoint Intranet Admin or a Community Manager and we still leave that user as an admin of the Local entity, this scenario will cause problems in the Local Entity administration when we try to enable or disable modules.
If we change or left blank the branding package field, have in mind to clear the browser’s cache to see the changes immediately.
After leaving blank the branding package field, the default branding will be applied.
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