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The default max single file upload size in SharePoint on-premises is 50 MB. In order to increase it, please use the following steps:


  1. Go to ‘Start > All Programs > Administrative Tools > SharePoint Central Administration > Application Management’.
  2. Under SharePoint Web Application Management, click ‘Web application general settings’.
  3. On the Web Application General Settings page, choose the Appspace SharePoint Intranet web application.
  4. Under Maximum upload size, type the file size which you want to upload and click on OK. You can specify a maximum file size up to 2,047 megabytes.


Repeat the steps listed below for all zones for your web app all the servers which host the web application role.

  • Open the web.config from ‘C:InetpubwwwrootwssVirtualDirectories<Virtual Directory>’ folder and increase the following attributes to the desired timeout and size:
    <httpRuntime executionTimeout="xxxx" maxRequestLength="yyyy" />
  • The timeout is expressed in seconds and the length is expressed in MB.
  • Perform an IISReset

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