Appspace 7.1 Platform Release Notes

The Appspace 7.1 platform release notes provide information on the new features, enhancements, resolved escalations and bug fixes completed in each release for the cloud and on-prem deployments.

Appspace 7.1 is a major release that is built on the Appspace 7.0 microservices architecture, and includes various new features and enhancements, an improved user interface, platform optimizations, and bug fixes.

The 7.1.2 on-prem build available on October 26th 2019, includes all features, bug fixes, and escalations resolved, from the 7.1-ac.1 to the 7.1-ac.19 releases.

What’s New

First Time User Checklist

Introducing a simple high-level checklist for Appspace first time Account Owner users, providing a better user experience, while guiding users on how to get started quickly from content creation to publishing on to your device for display.

The checklist is displayed over the Appspace dashboard until all items are completed, or if it’s dismissed before returning to the normal dashboard display. Users can trigger the checklist actions by clicking the action button, or clicking the info icon to be directed to our Appspace Knowledge Center article on the subject. All Account Owners under the same account level shares the same checklist, as the checklist is tracked and controlled on the instance account level.

Playlist Scheduling – Dayparting

Playlist channels can now be scheduled via the Dayparting feature added to a content’s playout properties, which allows users to publish content on one or more specific dayparts, ideal to reach a certain target demographic:

  • The daypart schedule can be applied to a single content or a folder with multiple content. Daypart schedules can be configured on a daily basis, or weekly, with adjustable durations for each time slot. The daypart schedule can run independently from the normal schedule.
  • Frequency restrictions can be applied together with the daypart schedule, allowing content to be displayed more frequently within it’s schedule time slot based on the following options:
    • Play exactly x number of time per (min, hour, day)
    • Play at most x number of time per (min, hour, day)
    • Play every x time per playout loop
    • Play % of air time

For configuration information, please refer to the Create a playlist channel article.

Improved Channels Import and Export features

A new feature to import or export any channel type (playlist, live, advanced) from the Appspace console is added. You may share or export these channels or channel groups using an export code (URL).

Similarly, to import, you can include the URL to upload the channel to the console. As the import/export functionality for advanced channels existed prior to Appspace 7.1, you can only import an advanced channel within the same Appspace version, or from an older version to a new version. The import function is not backward compatible between major releases.

Refer to Import or export a channel or channel group for more information.

Improved Channel and Channel Group UI
  • A ‘Publish’ filter has been added to Channels and Channel Group listings, which quickly allows users to identify channels that are published.
  • An option to select or upload a custom thumbnail, when creating a new channel, or channel group.
  • Improved the channels UI to indicate scheduled content by utilizing the playout properties icons to quickly identify if a schedule is currently being played, expired, or for the future.
    • Scheduled content
      • Expired schedule = Red
      • Future schedule = Yellow
      • Current playing = Blue (default)
    • Inherited scheduled content
      • Expired schedule = Red
      • Future schedule = Yellow
      • Current playing = Grey (default)

Support for Landing Page customization

Users can now customize their Appspace landing page easily via the extension management page, however this feature is restricted to only custom extensions.

On-Prem Releases


Release Date: 26 Oct 2019

The 7.1.2 on-prem build, released on October 26th 2019, includes:

  • All enhancements listed in the What’s New section above.
  • All features, bug fixes, and escalations resolved from the 7.1-ac.1 to the 7.1-ac.19 cloud releases.
Please visit our On-Prem Upgrade Paths article for upgrade paths, as older versions of Appspace on-prem may require an interim upgrade before being able to upgrade to the latest version.

Patch Updates


Release Date: 18 Feb 2020

The 7.1.4 on-prem build which includes all bug fixes and escalations resolved from 7.1-ac.20 to 7.1-ac.25 cloud releases.

Cisco Webex Share

Enabled support for Cisco’s Webex Share devices in the platform. Appspace leverages Cisco’s API on the Webex Share to manage content while the device is in idle mode, and display content as wallpaper. From the Appspace console, you can generate a registration URL that is used in the Webex Control Hub to configure and register the device.

Appspace can also be configured to display alerts and emergency messages over the wallpaper when triggered.

Cisco Collaboration Endpoints (CE) Update

Updates to the Cisco Collaboration Endpoint devices include the integration with the newly introduced alert service that works with the Webex Share.

Users with Cisco devices running CE 9.9 and above are able to leverage on Cisco’s API via a macro created in the Appspace console that allows the registration of these devices. The macro on the Cisco Collaboration Endpoint will reach out directly from the Cisco Endpoint towards the Appspace instance and register itself, as well as fetch the content.

Cisco devices running CE 9.8 and below will continue requiring a caching device.

Supported Cards

The following additional Card templates are supported in this on-prem version:

Resolved Bugs
  • AP-19776 – Unable to login with Appspace credentials when SSO Authentication is set to Required.
Resolved Escalations
  • AE-5465 – Unable to upload video files larger than 2GB to the Library.
  • AE-5586 – Unable to complete registration via the Registration wizard on the Appspace Direct X PC player.
  • AE-5704 – Devices assigned to autoplay channels freeze during playback of a content card in the playlist channel.
  • AE-5724 – Unable to import device properties via .xls file.


Release Date: 11 Dec 2019

The Appspace 7.1 on-prem AIC installer has been updated to support installations on Microsoft Windows Server 2016 with the latest November 2019 cumulative updates.

Supported Cards

The following Card templates are supported in this on-prem version:

Resolved Escalations
  • AE-5715 – Unable to migrate Appspace 7.0.1 on-prem to Appspace 7.1.2 on-prem on Microsoft Windows Server 2016.

Cloud Releases


Release Date: 14 Mar 2020

Low Bandwidth Mode for Webex Share

The Low Bandwidth Mode feature, which ensures customer’s bandwidth is optimized when streaming content on Appspace App devices that do not have storage capabilities or a caching mechanism. is enabled by default for all streaming devices. The feature is now supported on the Cisco Webex Share device, which has recently added support for video.

Resolved Escalations
  • AE-5853 – Unable to register devices due to error message “You don’t have any device IDs available”, although device IDs are available.


Release Date: 7 Mar 2020

Resolved Escalations
  • AE-5713 – Running an Advance Device Task displays a 500 Internal Server Error.
  • AE-5832 – Unable to accept user invitation if HTTP port (80) is disabled on the firewall.
  • AE-5862 – Unable to display device information from “Out Of Sync” devices in Device Overview.
  • AE-5863 – Unable to import playlist channel containing content with content tags.
  • AE-5867 – Data Table card window freezes when trying to edit card cell data.


Release Date: 15 Feb 2020

Low Bandwidth Mode

Introducing the Low Bandwidth Mode feature, which ensures customer’s bandwidth is optimized when streaming content on Appspace App devices that do not have storage capabilities, or a caching mechanism.

Previously, all content is streamed and displayed on non-caching devices directly from the Appspace server, thus resulting in high bandwidth usage, especially when streaming video content, or high-resolution media. To mitigate this, the Low Bandwidth Mode feature displays the thumbnail image of the video content during playback, instead of actually streaming the entire video. However, if there is user interactivity, then the video content is streamed and displayed in its entirety.

The Low Bandwidth Mode is enabled by default for all streaming devices such as:

  • Crestron Air Media
  • Crestron Mercury
  • Crestron TSS
  • Crestron Webex Board and Room Series
  • Mersive Solstice Pod
  • Devices registered via a browser on Windows/Mac running the Appspace PWA (Progressive Web App)

For more information, please refer to our Low Bandwidth Mode article.

Resolved Bugs
  • AP-19998 – Device properties are not saved when added manually or imported.
Resolved Escalations
  • AE-5468 – Intermittent network outage due to SQL server deadlock errors.
  • AE-5803 – Changing the device name does not reflect in the device script.
  • AE-5811 – Clicking the arrow key while editing the widget’s name, moves the widget’s position within the visual editor in an advanced channel (sign).


Release Date: 6 Feb 2020

Resolved Bugs
  • AP-19921 – Broadcast alert displays the incorrect image when using the trigger method on Cisco Webex devices.
Resolved Escalations
  • AE-5721 – Assigning an IPTV channel to a device displays an error, however, the channel is displayed correctly on the device.
  • AE-5780 – Current devices published to the channel are not being reflected in the Channels “Published To” listing.
  • AE-5810 – Unable to register devices after generating BrightSign packages, as important configuration information is missing.


Release Date: 11 Jan 2020

Resolved Bugs
  • AP-19788 – Error message is displayed when adding more than 50 content items into a playlist channel.
  • AP-19819 – Cisco CE version 9.8 and below devices are not registered to the device group listed during registration.
  • AP-19834 – User invitation declined once user’s email has been edited.
  • AP-19863 – When one Cisco CE device is disconnected (lost communications), all other Cisco CE devices incorrectly display as ‘lost communications’ as well in the Appspace console.
  • AP-19866 – Unable to retrieve Subscription Overview widget information on the Appspace console dashboard.
  • AP-19870 – Unable to play live stream, if live stream channel is directly assigned to the device.
Resolved Escalations
  • AE-5737 – Logging in via SSO returns the user back to the log in screen once again.
  • AE-5755 – Unable to remove channel from channel group.


Release Date: 14 Dec 2019

Webex Share Support

Enabled support for Cisco’s Webex Share devices in the platform. Appspace leverages Cisco’s API on the Webex Share to manage content while the device is in idle mode, and display content as wallpaper. From the Appspace console, you can generate a registration URL that is used in the Webex Control Hub to configure and register the device.

Appspace can also be configured to display alerts and emergency messages over the wallpaper when triggered.

Resolved Bugs
  • AP-19788 – Unable to add more than 50 content items to a playlist channel.
Resolved Escalations
  • AE-5711 – Unable to import advanced channel, if there is a content named “thumbnail” within the channel.


Release Date: 7 Dec 2019

Resolved Escalations
  • AE-5708 – Unable to reorder content via drag-and-drop in a playlist channel containing more than 30 content items.
  • AE-5706 – When copying multiple content types with the same content name, from one library to another, only one content is copied over.
  • AE-5699 – Duplicated schedules do not follow the tag rules in advanced channels.
  • AE-5683 – Unable to add user as the invited user is incorrectly redirected to a “This invitation has already been declined” page.
  • AE-5677 – When a device is set to autoplay and the orientation is set to inverse portrait, the orientation changes back to portrait upon reboot.
  • AE-5663 – Unable to change the Custom Logo Header in the Appspace console via Admin>Settings.


Release Date: 22 Nov 2019

This is an internal release build focused on general platform stability, and internal bug fixes.


Release Date: 15 Nov 2019

Resolved Escalations
  • AE-5570 – Google Slides card stagnates when playing the last slide if the slides duration does not match card duration.
  • AE-5602 – Irregular video playback behaviour when there is a corrupted video in the playlist.
  • AE-5617 – Network notification daily summary report is being sent later than the scheduled time.
  • AE-5625 – When selecting the schedule end date in an advanced channel, the next day is highlighted instead.
  • AE-5646 – Switching the order of content items in a playlist channel containing more than 30 content items, does not save correctly.


Release Date: 2 Nov 2019

Resolved Escalations
  • AE-5548 – Unable to access the Settings > Permissions tab in a playlist channel.
  • AE-5574 – Error generated for a user with many groups when inviting users.
  • AE-5581 – Incorrect device tags displayed in the drop-down list, when entering tags in the Device Tag field.
  • AE-5603 – Unable to import channel via URL link.
  • AE-5630 – Video playout duration is missing for an imported channel.


Release Date: 19 Oct 2019

Advanced Device Registration

Support for pre-provisioning devices offline via serial numbers, allowing users to register devices even before receiving them. The device will be automatically registered once the device is (online) connected to the network. Users may pre-provision multiple devices offline to the same account instance.

Devices that support pre-provisioning via serial numbers:

  • LG webOS 3.0
  • LG webOS 4.0
  • BrightSign
  • Chrome OS
  • Samsung SSP
Resolved Escalations
  • AE-5594 – Password is visible in the Event Calendar widget.
Fixed Bugs
  • AP-19447 – Unable to create and update EPG provider successfully.


Release Date: 12 Oct 2019

Resolved Escalations
  • AE-5492 – The user activity report only displays actions for Content Administrator users only.
  • AE-5558 – Inconsistent Alert email notifications from device.
  • AE-5566 – Unable to register the Cisco 4310G device.
  • AE-5576 – Timeout error message received when importing large channels.
  • AE-5577 – Account Owner unable to view user within user group in a subnetwork, when network location is changed to the subnetwork.
Fixed Bugs
  • AP-19402 – Unable to set a shared folder within the Library.


Release Date: 5 Oct 2019

Device Registration

A minor update to include the Cisco Webex Board (WEBEXBOARD) device type and icon to the Devices page on the console, inline with support for Webex Boards with Appspace App 2.0.


Release Date: 28 Nov 2019

Device Registration via QR Code

This feature allows users to quickly register their Appspace App 2.0 devices via a QR code, directly from their mobile devices.

When viewing from a mobile device, users would be able to click the camera icon on the device registration page to trigger the QR code popover. Once the camera is enabled, the user can just scan the QR code displayed on the Appspace App 2.0 splash screen to initiate the registration process, which is similar to registering via the 6-digit registration code.

During the registration process, the following fields will be pre-filled so that the registration process can be completed without having to enter in these details on the mobile device.

  • Device name
  • Channel selection mode
  • Description
  • Device groups
  • Device tags
The Appspace App 2.0 is scheduled to be released on October 4th, 2019.
Fixed Bugs
  • AP-19414 – Unable to display content on the Calendar widget, after configuring it with Google Calendar.


Release Date: 21 Sept 2019

Account Authentication

The Account Authentication tab where SSO configurations are done, is now moved to the Settings page in the Account Management Portal. This change allows Account Owners to configure various Appspace platform settings from a single location.

The following SSO authentication changes have been made:

  • Account Owners will be automatically redirected to the new Account Authentication tab in the Account Management Portal, when accessing the Account Authentication tab on the Appspace platform.
  • Deleting a user, user group, or network does not prompt for a password.
Resolved Escalations
  • AE-5415 – Unable to add SSO X.509 certificate manually due to character limit.
  • AE-5445 – Unable to login via SSO due to incomplete X.509 certificate.


Release Date: 4 Sept 2019

Resolved Escalations
  • AE-5416 – The Subscription Overview widget on the Appspace dashboard does not reflect the correct usages as displayed in the Account Management Portal.
  • AE-5459 – Intermittent login issues when logging in from the Admin Center in a multi-tenant account.
  • AE-5513 – The Data Provider frequency duration on the Table widget in an advanced channel (sign) does not function.


Release Date: 24 Aug 2019

RSS Card

Introducing an improved RSS card that now supports private RSS feeds, and allows users to quickly and easily customize how RSS feeds are displayed on screen.

  • You can create a RSS card with the following options:
    • Unauthenticated RSS card using valid public RSS feeds.
    • RSS card using authenticated RSS feeds.
    • RSS card using a private URL.
  • The following customizations are available on the RSS card:
    • Display RSS feed summary and media.
    • Configure RSS media aspect ratio.
    • Disable low resolution media on RSS feeds.
    • Upload a custom font.
    • Configure text colour.
    • Configure feed duration.
    • Configure date format.
    • Upload custom logo.
    • Enable transitions between RSS feeds.
    • Configure transition effects and colours.

This card was previously a community card, however with this new enhancement, the card is now officially an Appspace supported card. Thus, the previous RSS card template will be removed from the Appspace platform, however, cards which are in use will not be affected.

Data Visualization Card

The Data Visualization card has been updated to fix a schema error that breaks the UI. The card is also enhanced to accept datasets that include commas, abbreviations, symbol prefixes, and the zero numeric when plotting a chart.

Resolved Escalations
  • AE-5422 – Unable to import or export channels in private cloud.
  • AE-5433 – Unable to import advanced channels from public cloud to private cloud.
  • AE-5447 – Appspace notifications unreadable when using Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 10.
  • AE-5464 – Entering data manually into the card table may cause the Data Visualization card to be unresponsive.
  • AE-5482 – Unable to create card from the advanced channel slideshow widget.


Release Date: 3 Aug 2019


The following improvements have been made in the console:

  • Once a card is created via the Quick Actions menu, the page auto-refreshes to display the card in the library.
  • A ‘Publish’ filter has been added to Channels and Channel Group listings, which quickly allows users to identify channels that are published.
  • The import/export channel feature has been updated to allow users to set an expiry limit to the export URL link.
  • An option to select or upload a custom thumbnail, when creating a new channel, or channel group.
  • Improved the channels UI to indicate scheduled content by utilizing the playout properties icons to quickly identify if a schedule is currently being played, expired, or for the future.
    • Scheduled content

      • Expired schedule = Red
      • Future schedule = Yellow
      • Current playing = Blue (default)
    • Inherited scheduled content

      • Expired schedule = Red
      • Future schedule = Yellow
      • Current playing = Grey (default)

Data Visualization Card

The Data Visualization card has been updated to include another chart type, the Bar chart, which contains the following features:

  • Able to display animated vertical or horizontal bars.
  • Able to include up to 8 items in the data series.
  • A legend, gridlines, and labels.
  • A custom color palette that allows users to select the color of the bars in the Bar chart.
Resolved Escalations
  • AE-5296 – Navigation and the search function in the Widget Library is missing when “Widget from other layouts” is selected.


Release Date: 27 July 2019

Room Schedule Card

A minor update to the Room Schedule card allows the rooms list and room info to be retrieved when authenticating with User Authentication that does not have administrative privileges.

Resolved Escalations
  • AE-5349 – Appspace API GET calls fail to return a response.


Release Date: 13 July 2019


The following UI improvements have been made in the console:

  • Placeholder text has been changed for the channel group field in the Device Registration window.
  • “Sign” has been changed to “Advanced” in the channel filter inline with current Appspace terminology.

Support for users to customize their landing page by allowing their custom extension to display first when the user logs in. This can be managed via the extension management page, by moving the custom extension to the top of the list, above the Dashboard feature.

Data Visualization Card

The Data Visualization card has been updated to include another chart type, the Donut chart (the previous Donut chart has been renamed as Progress Donut chart), and a minor update to the Line chart that is now capable of displaying the point labels.

This new Donut chart brings the following features:

  • Able to include up to 8 items in the data series.
  • A legend.
  • A custom color palette that allows users to select the color of the chart slice.
Schedule Board Card

The Schedule Board card is updated to include a simple way-finding feature, enabling users to configure the locations of the room relative to the device.

This is achieved by specifying:

  • A list of Schedule Board device locations.
  • A list of directions of the room’s relative position to the Schedule Board’s location.
  • The Schedule Board device is assigned a location via device property.
Resolved Escalations
  • AE-5237 – The Network Administrator should only be able to invite users into user groups within the same network.


Release Date: 6 July 2019


A new feature to import or export any channel type (playlist, live, advanced) from the Appspace console is added. You may share or export these channels or channel groups using an export code (URL).

Similarly, to import, you can include the URL to upload the channel to the console. As the import/export functionality for advanced channels existed prior to Appspace 7.1, you can only import an advanced channel within the same Appspace version, or from an older version to a new version. The import function is not backward compatible between major releases.

Refer to Import or export a channel or channel group for more information.

Resolved Escalations
  • AE-5315 – Newly registered devices are not showing up on the user activity report.
  • AE-5340 – Cards with schedules in a playlist do not play on schedule; they are incorrectly playing according due to the UTC timezone rather than the set timezone.


Release Date: 29 June 2019


A new feature with a simple high-level checklist for key tasks is displayed over the dashboard, for first time account owners who sign-in to the Appspace console.

After all items are completed or the user dismisses the checklist, the system will display the usual dashboard with the standard widgets. If an action button is selected, the system will trigger the appropriate action, while the info icon directs users to articles on the Appspace Knowledge Center.

Refer to Navigating around the Appspace console more information.

Google Sheets Card

An all new Google Sheets card that allows to retrieve and present information from a Google Sheets document is now available. The card can be configured with a public sharing link without authentication, or a private sharing link with authentication, and can display Google Sheets information with the ability to zoom to specific cells on the spreadsheet.

Refer to Create Google Slides/Google Sheets cards for more information.


Improved BrightSign timezone configuration, which now includes timezones other than GMT. This enables users with daylight savings to adjust the time accordingly.

Below is the list of timezones added:

  • EST: US Eastern Time
  • CST: US Central Time
  • MST: US Mountain Time
  • PST: US Pacific Time
  • AKST: Alaska Time (Alaska)
  • HST: Hawaii-Aleutian Time with no Daylight Savings (Hawaii)
  • HST1: Hawaii-Aleutian Time with Daylight Saving (Aleutian Islands West)
  • MST1: US MT without Daylight Saving Time (Arizona)
  • EST1: US ET without Daylight Saving Time (Indiana (East))
  • AST: Atlantic Time
  • CST2: Mexico (Guadalajara, Mexico City, Monterrey)
  • MST2: Mexico (Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan)
  • PST2: Mexico (Tijuana, Baja California)
  • BRT: Brazil Time (Brasilia)
  • NST: Newfoundland Time
  • AZOT: Azores Time
  • GMTBST: London/Dublin Time (Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London)
  • WET: Western European Time
  • CET: Central European Time
  • EET: Eastern European Time
  • MSK: Moscow Time
  • SAMT: Delta Time Zone (Samara)
  • YEKT: Echo Time Zone (Yekaterinburg)
  • IST: Indian Standard Time
  • NPT: Nepal Time (Kathmandu)
  • OMST: Foxtrot Time Zone (Omsk)
  • JST: Japanese Standard Time (Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo)
  • CXT: Christmas Island Time (Australia)
  • AWST: Australian Western Time
  • AWST1: Australian Western Time without Daylight Saving Time
  • ACST: Australian Central Standard Time (CST) with Daylight Saving Time (Adelaide)
  • ACST1: Australia/Darwin, and Australian Central Standard Time (CST) without Daylight Saving Time (Darwin)
  • AEST: Australian Eastern Time with Daylight Saving Time (Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney)
  • AEST1: Australian Eastern Time without Daylight Saving Time (Brisbane)
  • NFT: Norfolk (Island) Time (Australia)
  • NZST: New Zealand Time (Auckland)
  • CHAST: Fiji Time, Fiji, Pacific/Fiji, Yankee Time Zone (Chatham Islands)
  • SST: X-ray Time Zone (Midway Island)

Refer to Install Appspace App on BrightSign for more information.


Release Date: 15 June 2019

Room Schedule Card

The Room Schedule card now supports Crestron’s Room Availability Indicator for Crestron TSS devices, which allows users to quickly identify if a room is available or occupied through the LED light indicators that are mounted above meeting rooms.

This feature is only supported on Appspace App 1.47 and above.


Release Date: 1 June 2019


The Google Slides card has been improved with the following features:

  • Improved security via card authentication.
  • Ability to customize the slide duration.
  • New custom template and themes.

This card was previously a community card. However, with this new enhancement, the card is now officially an Appspace supported card that will continuously be improved by us.

The Google Slides card is currently not supported on “iOS” based devices due to bug, which would be resolved in an upcoming update of the Google Slides card.

Refer to Create Google Slides cards for more information.

Resolved Escalations
  • AE-5254 – The advanced channel (sign) editor does not display widgets until the layout is saved.
  • AE-5265 – Unable to login with SSO credentials, after enabling SSO in Appspace private cloud.
  • AE-5271 – SSO does not function correctly in private cloud.
Fixed Bugs
  • AP-18441 – Unable to save authentication settings in private cloud, once the SSL certificate has been uploaded.


Release Date: 25 May 2019

Resolved Escalations
  • AE-5132 – User is unable to move to another user group; the “500” error is returned.
  • AE-5197 – User is unable to access the Users page, change to a subnetwork, or click on a specific user to add roles; the “500” error is returned.
  • AE-5202 – User is unable to add or remove user group for a user; a “500” error is returned.
  • AE-5214 – Content is duplicated in the Media Zone widget, when two users with the Network Administrator role, approve the same content via email.


Release Date: 11 May 2019


Playlist channels can now be scheduled via the Dayparting feature added to a content’s playout properties, which allows users to publish content on one or more specific dayparts, ideal to reach a certain target demographic:

  • The daypart schedule can be applied to a single content or a folder with multiple content. Daypart schedules can be configured on a daily basis, or weekly, with adjustable durations for each time slot. The daypart schedule can run independently from the normal schedule.
  • Frequency restrictions can be applied together with the daypart schedule, allowing content to be displayed more frequently within it’s schedule time slot based on the following options:
    • Play exactly x number of time per (min, hour, day)
    • Play at most x number of time per (min, hour, day)
    • Play every x time per playout loop
    • Play % of air time

For configuration information, please refer to the Create a playlist channel article.

Data Visualization Card

Updates to the Data Visualization card include:

  • The option to align text to the top, middle, or bottom, of a layout.
  • The option to display or hide axis lines on the Line chart card.
  • New fonts have been added to the font list, while font size values are displayed in ascending order.
  • A smaller logo placeholder.
  • The default color for gridlines has been updated.
  • Chart options have been renamed for a better user experience.
  • Data visualization themes have been updated to be inline with current Appspace branding guidelines.

Refer to Create data visualization cards for more information.

Resolved Escalations
  • AE-4995 – After inviting a user or creating a network, user needs to logout and re-login to the Appspace console, to be able to perform other actions.
  • AE-5070 – Content update when using the LocalKit API triggers a 500 Internal Server Error in Appspace.
  • AE-5168 – A duplicate of the selected folder is displayed when adding content in Channels.
  • AE-5171 – When logged in as a Network Administrator, where the role was inherited from a user group, unable to edit, add, or delete users in a subnetwork.


Release Date: 27 Apr 2019

Schedule Board Card

Introducing the Schedule Board card, which is designed for viewing the schedule of multiple meeting spaces, on larger displays placed in common areas with many nearby meeting spaces. The card retrieves and displays multiple meeting schedules from multiple rooms and integrates them in one single display for an integrated viewing and booking experience.

Interactivity for the Schedule Board card is currently supported on iOS, Android, Chrome OS, and LG based devices only.

Similar to the Room Schedule card (which is ideal for single room booking), the Schedule Board card is compatible with the following calendar data providers:

  • Google G Suite
  • Microsoft Office 365
    • Application authentication, ideal for viewing multiple rooms in organizations that do not allow user based logins, an account with administrator privileges can book all rooms in the organization.
    • User authentication, similar to the Room Schedule card authentication, an account with this permission can only book rooms that have been assigned to the user.

The Schedule Board card also includes the following features:

  • Booking options
    Users have the option to book instantly or in advance, up to a maximum of four 30-minute blocks (2 hours), depending on the start of the next scheduled meeting. Similar to the Room Schedule card, users are able to check-in, extend, and end meetings, directly from the Schedule Board card.The check-in feature is enabled by default, and allows users to check-in a meeting 10 minutes before a meeting starts. The meeting auto-cancels if the meeting is not checked-in 10 minutes after the meeting starts.
  • Viewing options
    At a glance, users are able to view multiple meeting rooms, and the respective meetings in a single view, allowing users to quickly identify which rooms are available or occupied. There are two viewing options available, each with its own uniqueness:
    • Current meeting view
      This simplified view of room schedules, displays only the current and next upcoming meeting, for multiple rooms. Users can also filter this view by status: Available, Check-in, Occupied.
    • Room schedule view
      This view displays a comprehensive schedule of current and all upcoming meetings for multiple rooms enabling the user to make a booking instantly, or in advance up-to three days. Users can also filter this view by status: Available, Check-in, Occupied.
  • Theme customizations
    The Schedule Board card offers a variety of customization options and settings such as the default view of the card, display options, custom logo and logo positioning, custom header, interactivity, background color or image, meeting status color, and many more.

Refer to View and manage multiple room schedules (Schedule Board card) for more information.

Announcement Card

An update to the Announcement card, ensures that margins applied to a feature media with positions anchored, respect the set aspect ratio.

Room Schedule Card

An minor update to the Room Schedule card, enabling support for application authentication on Microsoft Office 365, which is ideal for viewing multiple rooms in organizations that do not allow user based logins, an account with administrator privileges can book all rooms in the organization.

YouTube Card

A maintenance update to the YouTube card resolves an audio issue where audio from video content is muted by default even when the Media Zone widget audio checkbox has been checked.

Resolved Escalations
  • AE-5102 – Unable to search for users residing in a sub-network, from the root network.
  • AE-5138 – Unable to search for users who are yet to accept user invitations (with a Pending status) from the root network.
  • AE-5068 – Audio on YouTube card is muted by default, when played on BrightSign devices.
Fixed Bugs
  • AP-16904 – Clicking Users from the Appspace menu, displays “The server has encountered an unexpected error” error message.
  • AP-18133 – Clicking Alerts from the Appspace menu, displays a “Whoops” error page. Clicking the “I want to reconnect again” link on the page redirects to an old Appspace UI page.
  • AP-18136 – When channels are assigned to a channel group and published to a user, the “Published To” field in the channel listing page is empty.
  • CT-898 – Margins and position of the Feature Media in Announcement card does not display correctly.


Release Date: 13 Apr 2019

Resolved Escalations
  • AE-5104 – Account Owner unable to edit users listed in the network.
  • AE-5109 – When an advanced channel is exported and then imported, the channel Overview tab is displayed incorrectly.
Fixed Bugs
  • AP-18119 – Event Calendar widget in an advanced channel (sign) containing large data triggers an error message.


Release Date: 6 Apr 2019

Announcement Card

The Announcement card has been updated to include the following enhancements and features:

  • The Headline and Summary fields’ text layouts can now be aligned to the “Top, Bottom, Middle, 50-50 Middle”.
  • Feature media’s new aspect ratio option, “None”, allows uploaded media to be displayed at it’s actual size.
  • Images can now be positioned easily via a new anchoring option available when users select “None”, “Fit”, or “Fill”.
  • Transitions for layout and text are now separated into individual drop-down menus, each having its own set of transition options. A new text animation is available in the text transition drop-down menu.
  • All card themes have been updated to include the additional features, and color schemes that are aligned to the Appspace branding guideline.

Refer to Create announcement cards for more information.

Resolved Escalations
  • AE-4347 – Network link or network selection window in user profile does not appear intermittently for certain accounts.
  • AE-4819 – Playout metrics reporting has stopped functioning.
  • AE-4965 – Error occurs when inviting large number of users, and upon retry system displays that users exist.
  • AE-4994 – Browser times out when user without Account Owner privileges makes network changes on devices.
  • AE-5009 – Advanced Device Tasks deployed to a device group, is not executed on devices within the sub-group.
  • AE-5024 – Channel layout does not load on the advanced channel editor in Chrome and Firefox browsers.
  •  AE-5102 – Performing a user search in root network, does not display users within subnetwork.
  • AE-5105 – User still receives invitation email, even after error occurs stating that invited user was unsuccessful.
Fixed Bugs
  • AP-18076 – List of users not displayed after clicking Find users in the Publish tab.
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