Installing the Appspace App on Android
This article provides instructions to configure and register Android based devices with the Appspace App.
You can use both device mode and user mode on an Android operating environment. The default setting on Android smartphones and tablets will be user mode. The App will automatically recognize if it is installed on a smartphone, tablet, or media player; smartphones and tablets will have the user mode option, while the media player will not.
Once you switch to device mode, you need to first register your device with the Appspace App, and engage the App the way you would engage a TV when it is in interactive mode. Understandably, it will be a little harder to navigate in device mode due to the much smaller device screen. Please refer to Introduction to Appspace App for descriptions.
- Appspace App for Android in Interactive mode does not support Sign channels. Only live streams, cards, and playlists in channels are supported.
- It is recommended to use a Mobile Device Management (MDM) software to ensure tablets running Appspace App can be restarted periodically or automatically after a crash.
The device must meet the manufacturer’s minimum hardware and technical specifications, as well as the Appspace App’s minimum requirements. Please refer to Appspace App requirements.
It is highly advisable for you to ensure any chosen device will fit seamlessly into your environment, and meet the needs of your specific use case. Please test your Android devices with the Appspace App before you choose to deploy to your production environment. Do contact us for any questions and we’ll be happy to make some introductions.
An active Appspace account, with sufficient User IDs for user mode, or Device IDs for device mode.
An active Internet connection.
Install Appspace App
Follow the instructions below to download and install the Appspace App:
Launch “Google Play Store” from your device, and search for “Appspace App”.
Select the Appspace App, and click the ‘INSTALL’ button.
Once installed, the Appspace App is visible on the Home screen.
Launch the Appspace App, and select the desired Appspace instance to login.
In the login window, do the following:
Cloud Login
- Enter in your Appspace Cloud user credentials.
- Click the LOGIN button.
On-Premise Login
- Enter in the Appspace on-premises server URL.
- Enter in your Appspace on-premises user credentials.
- Click the LOGIN button.
Once logged in, you will be able to view channels listed under Recent Updates.
Swipe right, or click the menu icon to bring up the side panel menu, which contains the available channel groups that you have been granted access to, and settings. Select your desired channel group to view your channels.
To switch to device mode, select Settings in the side panel menu, and click ‘Switch to TV mode’. However, this option is only available to users with the Network Administrators role.
Once you switch to TV mode, you will have to register the device using one of our device registration methods, and it will function like a media player. To move back to user mode before you register, click ‘Switch to user mode’ on the device registration window. If you have registered the device, and you wish to switch back to user mode, you must first unregister the device, and click ‘Switch to user mode’ on the device registration window again.
We recommend a daily reboot of your device when using device mode (TV mode). The Android device management policy does not allow the Appspace App to automatically restart the device. You are recommended to use a mobile device management (MDM) app such as AirWatch, to set the device in kiosk mode and schedule a daily reboot, especially when when you have multiple Android devices in your network.
Update Appspace App
Appspace App is automatically updated by default on Android devices. However, if the app does not update, please follow the instructions to enable automatic updates in the following ‘Update your Android apps’ article:
Uninstall Appspace App
To uninstall the Appspace App on the device, follow the instructions in the following ‘Delete or disable apps on Android’ article: